These are the Top 50 from 2013. A few are now in The Daniel Collection so won't be touring with the AWGB but we will enjoy living with them. |

Charles Aldam
Rosemarie Annetta |
David Appleby - "Jugged Elm" |

David Atkinson
Mark Baker

Ryan Barker

Robin Barlow

Jerome Blanc - "Abysse II"

Jason Breach |
Sally Burnett - "Wobble One" |
Seamus Cassidy

Bob Chapman - "Sunrise"

Andy Coates

Kenneth Crittle

John Fells - "Wings"

Keith Fenton

Richard Findley |
Russell Gibbs

Robin Goodman - "Pipe Dreams?"

Paul Hannaby

Mike Harris

Richard Haselden - "War of the Worlds"

Reg Hawthorne

Simon Hope

Paul Howard
Phil Irons |

Samuel Ismer |

Paul Jones |

John Jordan

Ray Key
Trevor Lucky - "Escape from Hades"

Richard Lynch-Blosse

Andy Mason - "Waiting for Venus"

Michael Meakins

Greg Miller

Gregory Moreton

Eddie Morgan
John Morgan |
Stuart Mortimer |
Pablo Nemzoff |

Nikola Ostojic

Pascal Oudet - "Tea for Two"

John Owen |

Joey Richardson - "Principo"
Darrell Rushworth |

Mark Sanger - "Origin"

David Springett

Philip Steel

Peter Taylor

Curt Theobald |

Peter Thurston |
John Turner

George Watkins

Macaulay Watkins

Roy Weare

Samuel Webber
Maggie Wright